
The Organizer

Le Pirate Blanc

In the course of his youthful peregrinations, the White Pirate criss-crossed many seas.

As a former federal sailing instructor, skipper, courier and merchant marine sailor, the White Pirate learned the secrets of the ocean, wind and waves. His experience in this environment, spanning a dozen years, has also led him to competition (regattas) and leisure sailing, which he continues to practice.

Within this framework, he has worked with audiences of all ages (children, teenagers and adults) and people with motor and/or mental disabilities, using sailing as a support for personal and community development. His sense of pedagogy and supervision allows him to effectively share his passion for their benefit.

Furthermore, “life’s events and accidents” have made him particularly aware of the situation of hospitalized children and have led him to maintain a close relationship with the staff of the Lenval Foundation for whom he has the greatest admiration. It is from this double interaction that this character and this adventure were born

L’événement se déroule sous l’entière responsabilité de l’organisateur. 

Celui-ci adapte son déroulement de façon discrétionnaire en fonction des conditions météorologiques et peut décider du report du déroulement d’une étape après avoir pris en compte et étudié tous les paramètres et enjeux.
